2.2 Filtering tickets on the tickets tab

All tickets can be found on the tickets tab. But you can filter the list to narrow it down to a specific set of tickets AND you can sort them by due date, priority etc.

Shown below are the various filtering options.

Filter Name

Select filter to

Filter Options


View  tickets  under  the  ownership  of  specific agents

● <Agent name>

● Me

●  Unassigned


View tickets initiated by specific requesters

● <Requester name>

● <Requester email id>


View  tickets  being  handled  by  specific departments (E.g. HR, Finance etc.)

<Department name>


View tickets belonging to a specific group (E.g. Sales, Managers, etc.)

<Group name>


Time-range when the ticket was created

● Any time

●  Time  ranging  from:

the last 5 minutes to

the last 6 months

Due by

View tickets based on when they are/were due (multiple options can be selected)

● Overdue

● Today

● Tomorrow

● Next 8 hours


View tickets that have a specific status

● Open

● Pending

● Resolved

● Closed

● On hold


View  tickets  based  on  the  selected  priority (multiple options can be selected)

● Low

● Medium

● High

● Urgent


View tickets that belong to a specific category

● Incident

● Service Request


View tickets from a specific source (E.g. Email, Chat Etc.)

● Email

● Portal

● Phone

● Chat

● Feedback Widget


View tickets based on their category

<category name>

So, to view all of your tickets due today, set Agent to Me and Due by to Today.

 Some custom views like ‘My Open and Pending Tickets’ and ‘My Overdue Tickets’ are available

as a drop down menu.  Tickets can be sorted by the due date, date created, last modified, priority, status and in ascending or descending order.