3.4 Adding workarounds and permanent solutions

Once the problem’s details are in place, finding a solution to the problem becomes easy. A workaround can be provided for problems that cannot be resolved instantly.

You can link a solution article from your knowledge base and as a workaround or a permanent solution for the problem, or add a solution of your own.

1. Go to the problem’s detailed view and click on Permanent/Workaround under Solutions.

2. If the solution exists in your knowledge base already, search for the article and click the paperclip icon to link it. If it does not, click on Add a new solution and skip to the next step.

3. If a new solution needs to be added, click on Add a new solution. Then type in the solution title, select an appropriate folder for it from the drop-down menu and enter the steps in the Description field. Once you’re done, click on Add.