7.1 Adding new contracts

Dworkin helpdesk supports three contract types: Lease, Maintenance and Software License. Here’s how you create a new contract:

1. Click on the CMDB tab and click on Contracts

2. Click on Add new.

3. Enter the details for the contract into the form. The fields of the form vary according to the type of contract.

4. Attach  any  relevant  file  like  the  terms  and  conditions  and  add  associated  CIs.  The contract will be displayed in the CIs’ detailed view.

5. If you’d like Freshservice to send you (or other stakeholders) a notification before the contract expires, select the checkbox next to Notify contract expiry.  Then select the number of days and enter the email addresses. Note that you can add email addresses of third-party vendors too.

In the lifecycle of a contract, it goes through a lot of changes in its status.

● The status of the contract will remain as Draft until it is sent for approval. As long as it is a draft, the contract can be modified.

● Once it is sent and the status is changed to Pending Approval, no more changes can be made to the contract, except for adding more CIs or deleting the entire contract.

● Once  the  contract  is  approved  or  rejected  by  the  approver,  the  status  changes  to Approved or Rejected accordingly.

● However, even after it is approved, the status of a contract becomes Active only when the current date is the same as the contract start date.  The Contract Scheduler checks the ‘start day’ for all approved contracts on a daily basis and when it is the same as the current date, it sets the contract as active.

● A  contract  stays Active from  its  start  date  to  end  date,  after  which  the  status  is automatically changed to Expired.

● If  you  need  to  replace  a  contract  with  a  newer  one,  you  can Terminate  it from its detailed view.